A strategic mind and creative direction skills mark Roberto Bai’s professional figure. He’s been working in the Brand Design industry for more than 35 years, specializing in brand identity and consultancy designed to enhance a brand’s image and promote growth for companies, brands and institutions.
From 2005 to 2012 he was part of the vocational training staff at Istituto Marangoni Milano, as Brand Design consultant for the Academic Master in Product and Design Direction at Campus Moda in Milan.
In 2013 he was part of Istituto Marangoni Milano’ Working Team at the Design Strategic Session in Dubai to identify the profile and the educational plan for the new Design Campus, launched in 2014 in Partnership with Giulio Cappellini.
Roberto Barile “aka Bai” was born in Milan on may 20th, 1962. In 1982 he starts his career working alongside some of the most important advertising agencies in Milan, such as Ted Bates, Leo Burnett and Saatchi & Saatchi.
These are years of intense training for Roberto, divided between agency and commission jobs. This is also the time when his artistic profile starts to take form, as well as his professional expertise.
In 1985, after a seminar at J W Thompson Italy, Roberto decides to focus on the specific professional path that will mark his future career: strategic design aimed at creating brand identity and brand image.
That’s how his first independent collaborations start. He works with several companies, such as: Benkiser, Alfa Romeo, Plasmon, Seagram, SDA Bocconi, Barilla, Prenatal, Vismara, Essilor, Guaber, Colgate Palmolive and Diego Dalla Palma’s Make-up Studio.
In 1986, he works on creating the brand design for the sunscreen line Segredo de Alfama by Make-up Studio. He takes care of the product image and works on developing their advertising campaign alongside Saatchi & Saatchi and Diego Dalla Palma.
Starting from 1989, Roberto works on a number of collaborations with various entities operating in different merchandise and social categories, thus making significant experiences both in Italy and abroad.
Today Roberto lives and works in Milan or where his job takes him. He believes that nowadays, the best way to think about a brand is to express its distinctiveness through a sustainable project.
Farmacia SS. Annunziata 1561
Logo & Corporate Design
Diva International
Interior Design
Mister Magic
Biogenya Sieri
Extension Line Packaging
Brand Design & Packaging System
Fria MySelf
Packaging System
Bellissima Imetec
Styling Products
Fria Herbs
Shape Design
Pesapersone Imetec
Styling Products
Santa Clara
Packaging Design
Istituto Marangoni Milano
New Co.Strategy
Visual Identity
Ditec Entrematic
Logo & Corporate Design
Exhibition Design
BelAir Arbre Magique
Brand Design & Packaging System
Pet Benefit
Brand Design & Packaging System
Packaging System
La Collina Toscana
Selective Fragrances Exhibition
Super Dren
Packaging System
La Collina Toscana
Shape & Packaging Design
Bottega di Lungavita
Logo & Corporate Design
La Collina Toscana
Extension Line Packaging
Istituto Marangoni Milano
Training & Education
Dibi Gold Performance
Extension Line Packaging
Acqua di Parma
Visual Identity & Brand Catalogue
Fria Wet Whipes
Rebranding & Packaging System
Nuvola Magica
Packaging System
Blu Mediterraneo
Visual Identity & Brochure Design
Dibi Body
Extension Line Packaging
Dibi Face
Brand Architecture
Istituto Marangoni Milano
Training & Education
Dove Intimate Care
Packaging Restyling
Propel Aqua Fitness
Packaging Harmonization
Gatorade Sport Drink
Packaging Innovation
Lindor Lindt
Special Edition Packaging
Mc Cain Frozen Potatoes
Packaging System
I Coloniali J&E Atkinsons
Packaging Extension
Lindt Snack
Packaging Design
McCain Frozen Potatoes
Packaging Design
Parmalat Snack
Packaging Design
Colussi Group
Corporate Logo Design
Santa Rosa jams
Packaging System
Colussi Granturchese
Brand Architecture
J&B Rare Whisky
Special Edition Packaging
Grisbì Parmalat
Brand Architecture
Oro Saiwa
Brand Architecture
Lipton Book
Sales Book
Danone Vitasnella mineral water
Shape & Packaging Design
Lindt Easter recipes
Packaging System
Wella Recrin
Packaging System
Neo Sanogyl
Packaging System
Saiwa - Vitasnella
Brand Architecture
Oro Saiwa
Commemorative Packaging
Boario mineral water
Shape & Packaging Design
Corporate Logo Design
Maya margarine
Packaging Design
Denim After Shave
Packaging Restyling
Brand Logo Design
Galliano liqueur
Centenary Packaging
Premium Saiwa
Packaging System
Mayò Calvé
Naming & Packaging Design
Calvé mayonnaise
Packaging Restyling
Mentadent Micro-Granuli
Packaging Innovation
Mentadent Tonic
Product Innovation